Sunday, May 30, 2010

Knownet: Knowledge as a product/ Knowledge as a Process, by

choose the best search for your information need

choose the best search for your information need

Nathan Sherdoff (2004)

Nathan Sherdoff webpage
Cultural Materialism. The Struggle for A Science of Culture,1992, by Marvin Harris

Astonvilla (Un million de lézards)

Rapporte-moi d'où tu iras,
Tout c'qu'il y a de bien en nous,
Des signes d'intelligence rare,
D'où sortent ces nuages trop lourds.
J'ai souvent dû faire la route
Des chemins qu en savent long
Sur notre époque trouble,
Sans jamais poser de questions.
Comme c'est con.

Un million de lézards
Pour un milliard de raisons
Un million de lézards
Pour un milliard de raisons
Un million de lézards

Rapporte-moi d'où tu iras,
Un truc qui fait battre nos cÂœurs
Allez va donc voir sur Mars,
Si l'existence est mieux ailleurs
Ici le bonheur tourne a vide.
De prières en télévisions.
Dans quel chaos se cache-t-il ?
C'est pour nos filles est nos garçons,
La missionÂ...

Un million de lézards
Pour un milliard de raisons
Un million de lézards
Pour un milliard de raisons
Un million de lézards

Rapporte-moi d'où tu iras,
De prières en télévisions,
Des signes d'intelligence rare,
C'est pour nos filles et nos garçons
J'ai souvent dû faire la route
Des chemins, qui en savent long
Sur notre époque trouble,
Sans jamais poser de questions.
Comme c'est con

lyrics from here

A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling for the Online Scientific Community, by Randall Trigg

A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling for the Online Scientific Community,
November 1983

Author distinguishes between

Normal Links

Citation : (source, pioneer, credit, leads,eponym), Background, FutureWork, Refutation, Support, Methodology, Data, Generalize, Specialize, Abstraction, Example, Formalization, Application, Argument (deduction, induction, analogy, intuition, solution), Summarization, Detail, AlternateView, Rewrite, Explanation, Simplification, Complication, Update, Correction, Continuation.

Commentary Links

Comment (critical, supportive), RelatedWork (misrepresents, vacuum ignores, Is Superseded By, Is Refuted By, Is Supported By, redundant), Problem Posing (trivial, unimportant, impossible, ill-posed, solved ambitious), Thesis (trivial,unimportant, irrelevant, redherring, contradict, dubious, counterexample, inelegant, simplistic, arbitrary unmotivated, Argumentation (invalid, insufficient, immaterial misleading,alternative, strawman), Data (inadequate, dubious, ignores, irrelevant, inapplicable, misinterpreted), Style (boring, unimaginative, incoherent, arrogant, rambling, awkward)

Aristotle´s Rhetoric, by Lee Honeycutt

Aristotle´s Rhetoric. A Hypertextual resource compiled by Lee Honeycutt.

The Immediacy of Rhetoric: Definitions, Illustrations, and Implications

The Immediacy of Rhetoric: Definitions, Illustrations, and Implications


Alice H. Calderonello, Advisor

"This dissertation theorizes about "Immediacy," a concept that is concerned with the destabilizations and ruptures that occur in con temporary rhetorical situations. I argue that when we examine how discourse functions in the current postmodern condition (where ideologies are in flux, borders are questioned, and technologies such as the Internet are radically changing the ways we com municate), we must re(con)figure our assumptions concerning such fundamental concepts as "rhetor," "audience," and "message."

Chapter one, "The Context of Context," discusses the ancient Greek notion of "kairos" in order to examine the connections and disconnections between the ancient past and the postmodern present and to set the context for contemporary debates on the rhetorical situation. Chapter two, "Postmodernity, Rhetorical Situations, and a Definition of Immediacy," which is heavily influenc ed by the theories of Derrida, Foucault, and Baudrillard, concerns the relationship between "immediacy" and "situation" within our contemporary postmodern condition, where the assumed distinctions between the roles of rhetors, audiences, and messages have been questioned, where the "wholly contained" self has dissolved, and where differences between the "real" and the "hyperreal" and simulation are indeterminate.

The second part of this dissertation (chapters three and four) examines the Internet as both an example of and a site for creating immediate rhetorical situations. Since the Internet is currently in a state of rapid change, chapter three, "Defining the Internet," explains in some detail the components of the Internet relevant for this work and describes the rhetors and audiences who inhabit this environment. Chapter four, "The Internet as an Immediate Rhetorical Situation," is a synthesis of what has come previously; it explains why the Internet is an immediate rhetorical situation. The closing chapter, "The Immediate Future," is a discussion of the implications of immediacy in general and for the Internet in particular".

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Louise Attaque (La plume)

j'te donne la plume pour qu'tu dessines
la plus belle ville que t'aies connue
le plus bel hymne que t'aies voulu
j'te donne la plume
moi j'en veux plus
j'te donne la plume pour savoir vivre
parler, écrire et danser
pour rester livre, bien éveillé
j'te donne la plume et mes conneries,
j'te donne la plume pour que t'inscrives
perpétuellement la vie à construire
ce mouvement si dur
j'te donne la plume
moi j'en veux plus
voilà une heure
que je t'attends
voilà mon cœur prudence en sortant
compter les heures
depuis longtemps
est revenu mon cœur
déposé en sortant

Sunday, May 16, 2010

the killers (human)

object width="560" height="340">

Friday, May 14, 2010

conversation about new economy, (May, 15, 2010) in University of San Martin de Porres, S.L

This Saturday May 15 at 9 am on Second Life, 11 am Lima and 18.00 in Spain, will be held the Fourth Conversation hosted by the USMP Virtual in Second Life. This time, Max Ugaz (*) (Maximo Eames in Second Life) will speak on the importance of the new economy and the impact that virtual worlds are developing in education and society.

What is the digital economy or knowledge economy?, Why is it different to the classical neo-classical economics?, What are the limits, if any, of the digital economy, What virtual worlds represent new consumers?. These and many more questions will Max to answer in this discussion group.

The discussion group which will be held at 11 am and the meeting point will be in the virtual arena "Pachacamac" University of San Martín de Porres.

The chats in virtual worlds are an initiative of the Virtual University to promote and disseminate USMP everything has been done in the Second USMP research team. For more information, visit the project website Second USMP:

attendance is free. This is the slurl of the place of the event.

Dracy Crossword type 5, by Draceina Pinion

Dracy Crossword type, created by Draceina Pinion

You can obtain it in Dracy´s Virtual Shop

1. Teachers can use 'DRACY CROSSWORD type 5' in the classrooms.
2. Students can use this to study languages by oneself.
3. 'DRACY CROSSWORD type 5'is wearable.
4. The accent marks are prepared. So this can be used for many languages.
5. 11 puzzles can be set in this and students can choose the puzzle.

Monday, May 10, 2010

depredators and victims, according to their ears

Works made by Anneleen Crijns, Heleen Vanderstraeten , Jolien Geerdens and Lien Volbragt, coordinated by Daniel Vandersmissen (Dan Yapngku), KHLim, Diepenbeek, Belgium.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mediated interpersonal Communication

Mediated interpersonal Communication, 2008, edited by Sonja Utz, Martin Tanis, Susan B. Barnes.

Transformed social interaction in mediated interpersonal communication

Transformed social interaction in mediated interpersonal communication, by Jeremy N. Bailenson, Nick Yee, Jim Blascovich, and Rosanna E. Guadagno

Breakdown (Jack Johnson)

I hope this old train breaks down /Then I could take a walk around
And, see what there is to see /And time is just a melody
All the people in the street/ Walk as fast as their feet can take them
I just roll through town/ And though my windows got a view
The frame I'm looking through/ Seems to have no concern for now
So for now/ I need this
Old train to breakdown
Oh please just/ Let me please breakdown

This engine screams out loud/ Centipede gonna crawl westbound
So I don't even make a sound/ Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
All the people in the street/ That I'll never get to meet
If these tracks don't bend somehow/ And I got no time
That I got to get to/ Where I don't need to be

So I /I need this/ Old train to breakdown
Oh please just/ Let me please breakdown
I need this/ Old train to breakdown
Oh please just/ Let me please breakdown
I wanna break on down/ But I cant stop now
Let me break on down/ But you cant stop nothing

If you got no control/ Of the thoughts in your mind
That you kept in, you know/ You don't know nothing
But you don't need to know/ The wisdoms in the trees
Not the glass windows/ You cant stop wishing
If you don't let go/ But things that you find
And you lose, and you know/ You keep on rolling
Put the moment on hold/ The frames too bright
So put the blinds down low

I need this/ Old train to breakdown
Oh please just/ Let me please breakdown
I need this/ Old train to breakdown
Oh please just/ Let me please breakdown
I wanna break on down/ But I cant stop now

lyrics from

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Entretien de groupe dans Second Life" (Guillaume Hervet, Leila El Kamel, Benny Rigaux-Bricmont)

"Entretien de groupe dans Second Life" (Guillaume Hervet, Leila El Kamel and Benny Rigaux-Bricmont) Recherches Qualitatives, Vol. 29 (1), 2010, pp. 69-98. Entretiens de Groupe: Conceps, Usages et Ancrages.
Sous la direction de: François Guillemette, Jason Luckerhoff et Colette Baribeau.


Après une présentation du monde virtuel Second Life et des entretiens de groupe hors ligne et en ligne, nous identifions les variables à prendre en considération afin d’adopter une démarche scientifique dans ce type d’espace et, plus particulièrement, celles pertinentes pour réaliser des entretiens de groupe. Nous présentons par la suite les particularités à connaître pour organiser un entretien de groupe sur Second Life. Puis, en nous basant sur notre vécu, nous proposons plusieurs implications permettant d’utiliser cette méthode de recherche de façon optimale.

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