Wednesday, December 30, 2009

pedagogía & alfabetización en las nuevas tecnologías

Mr Jones (Counting Crows)

criteria for evaluating websites (2003)

La violencia en los informativos. Investigación sobre los informativos
de la noche y su recepción y efectos en la infancia1

Paloma Díaz Soloaga
Carmen García Galera
José Antonio Ruiz San Román
Roberto de Miguel
Carlos Muñiz Muriel
Jordi Monferrer

“El plan de trabajo que se ha seguido en esta investigación ha supuesto la puesta en marcha y combinación de diferentes técnicas de investigación social, tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas, recurriendo, pues, a la denominada triangulación (Campbell y Fiske, 1959;Denzin, 1970; Bericat, 1998), en tanto uso de múltiples métodos en el estudio de un mismo objeto de investigación, cuyo propósito es reducir tanto como sea posible todo aquello que amenace la validez interna o externa de los resultados y poder, igualmente, revelar aspectos de la realidad que hubieran pasado desapercibidos de haberse investigado solamente con una sola técnica. (9)

Grupos Delphi o grupos de expertos entre los profesionales de los informativos de distintas cadenas de televisión.
objetivo conocer el papel que desempeñan en la emisión de las imágenes más violentas o morbosas
revelar su implicación y responsabilidad en la emisión de las mismas. analizar las decisiones que tomó su cadena de televisión ante la emisión o no de determinadas imágenes relacionadas con los acontecimientos del 11 de marzo
Grupo de discusión con madres
el grupo de discusión se celebró entre seis madres de un nivel socioeconómico y cultural medio alto, con hijos en edades comprendidas entre los 7 y 12 años y que trabajaban, bien como amas de casa, bien fuera del hogar.
Hay que tener en cuenta que la interrelación que crean los individuos que
participan en el grupo de discusión pretende producir una representación micro de
los grupos en su realidad social. Es decir, que los discursos que se reproducían en el
grupo de discusión repiten los argumentos que se pueden encontrar en la sociedad.

Para analizar las aportaciones realizadas por parte de los distintos
participantes en este grupo de discusión, se parte de la realización de un marco de
diagnóstico (definen acontecimientos o situaciones como problemáticas y
necesitadas de cambio, señalando a ciertas situaciones y determinados agentes
sociales como responsables de haber causado el problema), un marco de pronóstico
(permiten formular las propuestas concretas para corregir esa situación
problemática, especificando qué debería hacerse y quién tendría que hacerlo), y un
marco de motivación (establece los motivos adecuados que justifican la acción en
favor de una causa) que estarán relacionados con nuestras hipótesis de partida
(Hunt, Benford y Snow, 1994).

un análisis de contenido
contabilizar la cantidad de actos violentos que
aparecen en los informativos diarios
se realizaron las fichas de análisis (una para cada
informativo) y el libro de códigos (uno para toda la investigación) correspondientes
a la investigación, tomando como referencia los denominados framing o marcos, en
concreto, los marcos de atribución de responsabilidad, de conflicto, de interés
humano, de consecuencias económicas y los marcos de moral (Semetko y
Valkenburg, 2000).

(10)Para completar esta triangulación o utilización de diversas técnicas de
investigación como forma de conocer una realidad social, es de nuestro interés
investigar la repercusión que el visionado de estos contenidos no ficticios tienen en
la formación de conductas, sentimientos y creencias de los niños, a partir de sus
propias experiencias y respuestas. Es por ello que, utilizando como sujeto de estudio
a los propios niños, realizamos una encuesta entre la población infantil de la
Comunidad de Madrid, partiendo de una selección realizada a partir de los centros
educativos públicos y concertados de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria de la
propia comunidad autónoma

seleccionamos la muestra definitiva mediante el
muestreo de probabilidad aleatorio simple, estratificado, polietápico y por
conglomerados (Wimmer y Dominick, 1996

As We May Think (Vannevar Bush)

En 1945 Vannevar Bush, ingeniero estadounidense que trabajó entre otros con el padre de la teoría matemática de la comunicación, Claude Shannon, publicó en The Atlantic As We May Think, un artículo que se considera precusor del hipertexto. En él, el autor reivindica la necesidad de que los procesos de construcción y almacenamiento de datos se realicen mediante un sistema asociativo. Explica que los métodos de indexación utilizados hasta ese momento han sido creados de un modo “artificial” y que esa es la causa de que, ante un gran volumen de publicaciones, estudios o artículos, el proceso de localización de los mismos sea muy costoso.

“Our ineptitude in getting at the record is largely caused bay the artificiality of systems of indexing. When data of any sort are placed in storage, they are filed alphabetically or numerically, and information is found (when it is) by tracing it down from subclass. It can be in only one place, unless duplicates are used; one has to have rules as to which path will locate it, and the rules are cumbersome. Having found one item, moreover, one has to emerge from the system and re-enter on a new path (…) the human mind does not work that way. It operates bay association. With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of thoughts, in accordance with some intricate of trail carried bay the cells of the brain (…) Selection bay association, rather than indexing, may be yet mechanized. One cannot hope thus to equal the speed and flexibility with which the mind follows an associative trail, but it should be possible to beat the mind decisively in regard to the permanence and clarity of the items resurrected from the storage (…) “ (1945:13)

Bush propone la utilización de un sistema, origen del hipertexto, al que denomina memex, que tiene como principal característica el hecho de que los items están conectados unos a otros, por asociación.

“(...) The basic idea of which a provision whereby any item may be caused at will to select immediately and automatically another. This is the essential feature of the memex. The process of tying two items together is the important thing”. (1945: 14)

As We May Think (the Atlantic)

user experience

The elements of User Experience (Jesse James Garrett)
Malone, Erin (2000) User Experience Design Process: Critical Path

Olsen, George (2003) Approaches to User Experience Design

Usability Heuristics

Design Principles and Usability Heuristics - Part II The 9 Heuristics (Ben Bederson / Saul Greenberg)

Guía para la Evaluación Experta (Jmarquez)

How to conduct a Heuristic Evaluation (Jakob Nielsen)

card sorting

GAFFNEY, Gerry (2000) What is Card Sorting?

Diseña como piensan los usuarios. Técnica de agrupación de tarjetas o Card Sorting. (Eduardo Manchón)

Arquitectura de la Información en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Aplicación de la técnica Card Sorting y análisis cuantitativo de los resultados. Yusef Hassan Montero*, Francisco Jesús Martín Fernández**, Dunia Hassan
Montero**, Oscar Martín Rodríguez

Information Architecture

Information Architecture why, what & when? (Andrew Dillon, 2000)

Information and Architecture (David Israel and John Perry)

Uso/Consumo de Información Web

feist - "i feel it all" (5/15/07) + "the park" (on a bus)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Comunicación Web: Características y Elementos

BOISOT, Max / Canals, Agustí (2004) Data, information and knowledge: have we got it right?

Information Architecture Glosary (Hagedorn, Kate)

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889—1951)

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


The Cambridge Wittgenstein Archive

The window. Philosophy on the Internet

Multimedia about Ludwing Wittgenstein (Bruce MacEvoy)

web communication (perspectives for studying it)

web communication (constructivist perspective)

web communication (rethorical perspective)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Joseph N. Cappella

articles(listed by Scientific Commons)

Researching Deliberation and Opinion about Complex Social Issues:
An Interview with Prof. Joseph Cappella

Emotional bases for quitting smoking: Extending the concept of risk to discrete emotional consequences (Joseph N. Capella)

Healthcare Dialogue: Constructing Electronic Interaction to Maximize Decision Quality
in Deliberations among Citizens, Issue Publics, and Elites
(Vincent Price and Joseph N. Cappella)

Ernest G. Bormann

Articles and Collected Writtings of Ernest G. Bormann

Fantasy Theme Analysis

Uncertainty reduction theory

Charles R. Berger (infoamérica)

Uncertainty Reduction Among Ethnicitiesin the United States
Intercultural Communication Studies III:1 1993 Judith A. Sanders & Richard L. Wiseman

"Use of uncertainty reduction theory to examine emoticons and other chat room tools facilitation of affiliative nonverbal communication" Thesis By Jordan Curtis. Submitted to the Faculty of English and Communication Department.The State University of New York At Potsdam". May, 2009

Axioms and Theorems of the Uncertainty reduction Theory

Uncertainty reduction theory (wikipedia)

Axiom 1: Strangers enter an interaction with high levels of uncertainty about the
other. However, as they begin to talk to one another, the level of
uncertainty decreases. In turn, as the uncertainty decreases, the
interactants will talk more.
Axiom 2: As nonverbal expressive communication increases, uncertainty levels
decrease, and vice versa.
Axiom 3: High levels of uncertainty prompt strangers to ask more questions of the
other. As uncertainty decreases, so does the posing of questions.
Axiom 4: High levels of uncertainty in a relationship lead to less sharing and
emotional intimacy. Low levels of uncertainty allow for more sharing and
emotional intimacy.
Axiom 5: High levels of uncertainty lead to more symmetrical question exchanges in
interaction. As uncertainty decreases, so does the need for an equal
exchange of talk.
Axiom 6: Personal similarity will decrease uncertainty about another, while
dissimilarity will produce higher levels of uncertainty.
Axiom 7: An increase in uncertainty will lead to a decrease in liking. A decrease in
uncertainty will lead to an increase in liking.

Theorem 1: The amount of talking and nonverbal communicative expressions are
positively related.
Theorem 2: The amount of communication and its intimacy level is positively related.
Theorem 3: Time spent in interaction and questions posed are inversely related.
Theorem 4: Time spent communicating and instance of symmetric exchanges are inversely
Theorem 5: The amount of communication and liking are positively related.
Theorem 6: The amount of communication and personal similarity are positively
Theorem 7: Nonverbal expressions and intimacy level of conversation are positively
Theorem 8: Nonverbal expressions and information seeking are inversely related.
Theorem 9: Nonverbal expressions and instance of symmetrical exchange are inversely
Theorem 10: Nonverbal expressions and liking are positively related.
Theorem 11: Nonverbal expressions and similarity are positively related.
Theorem 12: The level of communication intimacy and information seeking are inversely
Theorem 13: The level of communication intimacy and instance of symmetrical exchange
are inversely related.
Theorem 14: The level of communication intimacy and liking are positively related.
Theorem 15: The level of communication intimacy and similarity are positively
Theorem 16: Posing questions and symmetrical exchanges are positively related.
Theorem 17: Posing questions and liking are negatively related.
Theorem 18: Posing questions and similarity are negatively related.
Theorem 19: Instance of symmetrical exchange and liking are negatively related.
Theorem 20: Instance of symmetrical exchange and similarity are negatively related.
Theorem 21: Similarity and liking are positively related.

Jay Blumler (1924)



The Internet and Democratic Citizenship: Theory, Practice and Policy (Communication, Society and Politics) (Review)

"Cyberspace" (Jay G.Blumler y Stephen Coleman)

The Conduct of Exploratory Research into the Social Origins of Broadcasting Audiences'
(Blumler, Jay G., Dennis Mc Quail & J. R. Brown)

The Crisis of Public
(Jay G. Blumler & Michael Gurevitch),1995

The vulnerable potential of the internet
. Michael Gurevitch and Jay G. Blumler, 6 February 2003

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Yo La Tengo - Our Way To Fall

Gran Torino soundtrack (Jamie Cullum)

Realign all, The stars Above my head,Warning signs, Travel far, I drink instead
On my own, Oh,how I've known, The battle scars, And worn out beds, Gentle now
A tender breeze, Blows, Whispers through, A Gran Torino, Whistling another Tired song

Engines humm, And bitter dreams,Grow, Heart locked, In a Gran Torino, It beats , A lonely rhythm , All night long, These streets, Are old , They shine, With the things
I've known, And breaks, Through, The trees, Their sparkling, Your world Is nothing more Than all The tiny things You've left Behind. So tenderly Your story is
Nothing more Than what you see Or What you've done Or will become. Standing strong
Do you belong In your skin, Just wondering. Gentle now, A tender breeze Blows
Whispers through The Gran Torino, Whistling another Tired song. Engines humm
And bitter dreams Grow.A heart locked In a Gran Torino. It beats A lonely rhythm
All night long, May I be So bold and stay I need someone To hold That shudders
My skin Their sparkling. Your world Is nothing more Than all The tiny things
You've left Behind.So realign All the stars Above my head, Warning signs, Travel far
I drink instead On my own Oh How i've known. The battle scars And worn out beds

Gentle now, A tender breeze BlowsWhispers through The Gran Torino. Whistling another
Tired song, Engines humm And better dreams Grow. Heart locked In a Gran Torino
It beats A lonely rhythm, All night long. It beats A lonely rhythm All night long
It beats A lonely rhythm All night long

Thursday, December 10, 2009

nuevo número publicado en el Global Media Journal México

Como se explica en su página web, El Global Media Journal México, es una publicación electrónica dedicada a la exploración y difusión del creciente campo de la investigación de la comunicación, en especial de temas relacionados con la globalización y el ámbito internacional. GMJ México, es auspiciada por el Centro de Investigación en Comunicación e Información (CINCO), la Maestría en Ciencias en Comunicación y el Doctorado en Estudios Humanísticos con Especialidad en Comunicación y Estudios Culturales del Tecnológico de Monterrey, en coordinación con el Departamento de Comunicación y Artes Creativas de la Universidad de Purdue-Calumet, Hammond, Indiana, USA.
Global Media Journal Mexico

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Focus group set up in SL (made by Benny Rigaux-Bricmont)

This image illustrates the answer that Rigaux-Bricmont Benny, give to us in the forum of the paper "Conducting Research in Virtual Worlds" which he has done with khaoula ellafi and Hervet Guillaume for the IV Congress of Cybersociety

You can see a multi chair which will accomodate the number of participants, a chalk noteboard on which one you can write information, a brain board for anonymous brainstorming and a consent ball in order to respect the ethical principles for researching with avatars.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday science day (scilands) bridging the gap between S.L and R.L

Yesterday, I was introduced to Zazen Mambi (Jeffrey Corbin) by Angelle Marquette and he put a poster of the GT Metaverses and 3D Environments (IV Congress of Cybersociety,) with a link to the communications made by the authors, where he carries the Friday Science day.

This means bridging the hole between real life and s.l in a wonderfull way.
Zazen Mambi, introduced to me his project Scilands and the meeting he was conducting.
Friday science day. A lot of people there. It is an interesting event. I could not attend it but I will do.

Entrevista a Jeffrey Corbin (Zazen Manbi en Second Life),Director del Departamento de Física y Astronomía de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Universidad de Denver en Second Life (“Science School”)
Por Ronald Cotaquispe

scilands in wikipedia
Scilands classroom
Science School Physics and Astronomy in Second Life

Mobius Ryba (author of the arena rezzer and moderation tool) improved the poster with a marvellous frame and is.

Monday, November 16, 2009

McLuhan in Second Life (Phylis Johnson & Lowe Runo)

Understanding Second Life as an extension of ourselves through the Identification of 5 characteristics of this Virtual Environment

This is the work that I have prepared for taking part in the IV Congress of Cybersociety, where we coordinate the GT Metaverses and 3D Environments.

The five characteristics identified can be improved. Texts, slides and videos which we received in our Group of Work help us to identify more characteristics

1,the detail in the representation of the things
2,intelligent objects
3,tools for displaying contents
4,social environment
5,linked to "real world"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Inauguration of the IV Congress of Cybersociety in Second Life

We encourage to you to enjoy the act that the IV Congress of Cybersociety
develops in Second Life this Friday 13 for inaugurating the event.

You could see on live the inauguration that will be celebrated in "real world" (in Barcelona) in a marvelous screen that is displayed in the San Martin de Porres University (Peru), drink a beer in a homely pub that is at Cornwall College place (United Kingdom of G. Britain and N. Ireland)and finally, go to dance in the disco that San Martin de Porres University has.

This is the schedule:

Friday, 13 November

6:30 pm ET Spanish = 9:30 PT hours Second Life

Video streaming of the inauguration of the Fourth Congress of the CyberSociety

Universidad San Martin de Porres of Peru
(Seating is limited to approximately 60 simultaneous avatars)

9.30 pm Spanish time = 12:30 a.m. PT hours Second Life
Beer in the Irish pub "The Kernow and Then"
Cornwall College

10.30 pm Spanish time = 13.30 hours AM PST Second Life

For those who can withstand: disco party at Caral
Universidad San Martin de Porres of Peru

Tis is the link to this information in the Blog of the IV Congress of Cybersociety

Take your avatar, got into and..participate. You will enjoy.

Note to those without Second Life avatar: just register on the website of Second Life and activate an account that appears in the registration confirmation email.

To access the places where the event will take place once you are in Second Life: just paste these addresses slur in local chat and click on it. You will be "teleported" to the moment ...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

using Virtual Worlds for doing Qualitative Research

Communications of the Congress of Cybersociety are available.
Take a look to the communications that our Group of Work , "Metaverses and 3D Environments" have received and evaluated. You will obtain many approachs for researching about virtual worlds and for applying them with different purposes.

Today I want to point out the works submitted by Benny RIGAUX-BRICMONT, Hervet Guillaume, khaoula ellafi and Leila El Kamel.: "Conducting research in Virtual Worlds", Online qualitative research and metaverses

Their works offers one very interesting useful approach towards the application of Virtual Worlds that consist on taking advantage of its social characteristic and the inmmersive feelings that provoke for using them to do qualitative research in order to get insights about the topics we want to study.

The authors, give to us methods and techniques for using Virtual Worlds for doing qualitative research and deal with the problems or special issues that are necessary to consider when we want to obtain opinions, answers, etc, from the persons that in Second Life are into their avatars.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

C. Wright Mills (1916-1962)


The Mass Society(from the book "The Power Elite" by C.Wright Mills Oxford Press, 1956)

Ervin Goffman (1922 –1982)


Erving Goffman
Sobre el trabajo de la cara
En: Erving Goffman. Ritual de la interacción. Buenos Aires, Ed. Tiempo Contemporáneo, 1970. pp. 11-25.

PRESENTATION OF SELF IN EVERYDAY LIFE (Introduction) Erving Goffman 1959

"Goffman reciclado" (Tesis-Antítesis)

"Presentación de la Persona en las Redes Sociales. Facebook desde el enfoque dramatúrgico de Ervin Goffman" (julio Villa)

The Erving Goffman Archives (EGA)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

mail box (made by DoctorPartridge Allen)

This tool has two main applications, both related to improve our ways of communication in Second Life.

1, Sending contents from Second Life to "Real World"
We can use this tool if we want to send a quick note, a slurl or even a notecard to an email account (we can copy the text from the notecard and paste it into the local chat) to our students, colleagues or even to ourselves and we don´t want waste time opening our email account to do so.

2, Receiving contents from Second Life
We can put available the Outworld Mail Box in a place we have in Second Life in order to receive suggestions, comments and questions from our visitors. This is very useful because thanks to this tool we became available for avatars who are interested in be in touch with us. They can send to us an IM aswell but sometimes, if we have many avatar contacts, when we enter in Second Life, we can feel ovewhelmed by the IMS and we do not put attention to them.

First, we must rezz the tool. Then, we open it. In the contents label , we will see that there is a script and a config note inside. We must open the script and click on reset option. Then, we open the config note and we will introduce the email which we want to send the contents instead of the email address which is written. One time the config note is modified, we must take the tool. Then, we must rezz it from our inventory and we can begin to send contents to address emails from Second Life.

For Sending emails, we must touch the mail box and the tool will ask us to type in the local chat the text we want to send. All the text we have added before hitting return will be sent to the email address we have added to the config notecard .

You can buy it by 0 linds in
Adobe Immersive Learning Simulations

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

free educational Tools available in Second Life

Teachers Kit Bag

Developed by Uliana Richez on behalf of The Technology Supported Learning Group, University Of Portsmouth forThe Higher Education Academy Subject Network for Infomation and Computer Sciences">

Global Kids giftbag.

Gift/Goodies Bag. University of Portsmouth.

Professor Started Kit
Uop Island

Neosome´s collection of Tools

You can find many boxes with Free Gadgets in

Yadnis Junkyard Newbie Paradise

Montclair State CHSSouth. The educator Freebie Mail.

Freebie Warehouse

The Bazaar Stlliman. Free stuff

EduIsland Teacher Networking Center

Friday, October 9, 2009

audience and use of Virtual Worlds

An Analysis of MMOG Subscription Growth (Version 23.0) (MMOGCHART)

Quant Cast. Get Audience Data for any Site on the Internet

The K Zero Universe chart is the leading indicator and visualisation of companies in the virtual worlds category. The chart segments are updated on a regular basis and published to our blog.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thanks to all the participants in the Group of Work Metaverses and 3D Environments (IV Congress of Cybersociety)

Our Group of Work "Metaverses and 3D Environments" tell to you that appart from the important contribution of Pierre Lévy, we have received 16 very interesting works.

Sometimes we find on newspapers articles and texts that criticize second life and it seems that the person who have wrote this kind of articles did not spent time trying to look for interesting uses of this Virtual World.

The 17 works subimitted in our GT will help people and participants in the IV Congress of Cibersociety to know about possible applications of the use of Virtual Worlds (specially Second Life) for teaching, researching, make business or even for achieving artistic purposes. We want to congratulate all the participants.

Pierre Lévy (Canada) "Toward a Civilization of Collective Intelligence"

Pedro Andrade (Portugal) "Sociology of Metaverse"

Zaixega Casás Aguín (Galicia) "Footprint of Galicia in Second Life"

Loris Talpo" (Italy) "Education in Second Life - Experiences of a Mentor and an NCI Helper"

Max Ugaz (Peru) "Espacio Virtual de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres del Perú (USMP)" Características y Aplicaciones. junio 2008 - setiembre 2009".

Daniël Vandersmissen (Belgium)"Dan Yapungku in, SL Daniël Vandersmissen in RL"

Gaia Moretti (Italy) "Mundos digitais virtuais em 3D e aprendizagem organizacional: uma relação possível e produtiva".

Giovanni Tweak (Canada) "Story of Drive Through ELF"

Akemi Mochizuki (Japan) (3 works )
1,"Designing tools in Second Life"
2, "Description of two Educational Tools for Second Life: Memorize & Categorize"
3, "Notes about Linden Scripting Language (LSL) and its possible applications"

Bex Ferriday(United Kingdom of G. Britain and N. Ireland) "Transferable Skills and Teacher Education in Second Life"

Micheline Batista (Brazil) "Second Life: cibercorpos e experimentações identitárias em um mundo virtual"

Leila El Kamel and Benny Rigaux-Bricmont (Canada)
"Online qualitative research and metaverses"

Guillaume Hervet, Ellafi khaoula , Benny Rigaux-Bricmont(Canada)
"Conducting Research in Virtual Worlds"

Mobius Ryba(United Kingdom of G. Britain and N. Ireland) Arena Rezzer and Moderation Tool"

Manuel García Vuelta (Spain) "INTERWRITE-DDB (La mejor Pizarra Interactiva de los Entornos 3D"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pierre Lévy in the IV Congress of Cybersociety 2009

Pierre Lévy will participate,in the IV Congress of Cibersociety, in our Group of Work Metaverses and 3D Environments.
Lèvy ´s presentation will generate polemic because he highlights the importance of having a language that represent the essence of Collective Intelligence as a Virtual World, understanding this term not only as a space where we can interact as avatars but as a global space that is formed by the human actions, their objects and interaction. Information Economy Metalanguage (IEML) is according to Pierre Lèvy a putative language, a generative machine for the interface between the human mind and the computer power of cyberspace

We are very pleased to Pierre Lévy and we encourage all of you to participate in the
IV Congress of Cybersociety 2009. The deadline for sending contributions is 5, October

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Global Consciousness Project

Talking about a revolution (Tracy Chapman)

Don't you know you're talking about a revolution. It sounds like a whisper
Don't you know they're talking about a revolution. It sounds like a whisper

While they're standing in the welfare lines. Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines. Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Don't you know you're talking about a revolution. It sounds like a whisper

Poor people are gonna rise up. And get their share. Poor people are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs
Don't you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Oh I said you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run

Finally the tables are starting to turn. Talking about a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn. Talking about a revolution oh no. Talking about a revolution oh no

While they're standing in the welfare lines. Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines. Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Don't you know you're talking about a revolution. It sounds like a whisper

And finally the tables are starting to turn. Talking about a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn. Talking about a revolution oh no.
Talking about a revolution oh no. Talking about a revolution oh no

Thursday, September 3, 2009

sloodle tools

chat logger, chair, distributor, primdrop,

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Folksonomy (wikipedia)

"Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata"
Adam Mathes (2004)

"Folksonomies: A User-Driven Approach to Organizing Content" By Joshua Porter (2005)

"Folksonomies Tap People Power" Daniel Terdiman

"Folksonomies: The Fall and Rise of Plain-text Tagging"
Emma Toking (2006)


WordNet® "is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser. WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download. WordNet's structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing".

The British National Corpus

The British National Corpus (BNC)
"is a 100 million word collection of samples of written and spoken language from a wide range of sources, designed to represent a wide cross-section of British English from the later part of the 20th century, both spoken and written. The latest edition is the BNC XML Edition, released in 2007.

The written part of the BNC (90%) includes, for example, extracts from regional and national newspapers, specialist periodicals and journals for all ages and interests, academic books and popular fiction, published and unpublished letters and memoranda, school and university essays, among many other kinds of text. The spoken part (10%) consists of orthographic transcriptions of unscripted informal conversations (recorded by volunteers selected from different age, region and social classes in a demographically balanced way) and spoken language collected in different contexts, ranging from formal business or government meetings to radio shows and phone-ins"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

beautiful day (U2)

The heart is a bloom, Shoots up through the stony ground. There's no room. No space to rent in this town. You're out of luck, And the reason that you had to care. The traffic is stuck, And you're not moving anywhere.You thought you'd found a friend, To take you out of this place. Someone you could lend a hand, In return for grace.

It's a beautiful day, Sky falls, you feel like. It's a beautiful day, Don't let it get away. You're on the road, But you've got no destination. You're in the mud, In the maze of her imagination. You love this town, Even if that doesn't ring true. You've been all over, And it's been all over you.

It's a beautiful day, Don't let it get away, It's a beautiful day. Touch me, Take me to that other place. Teach me, I know I'm not a hopeless case. See the world in green and blue, See China right in front of you. See the canyons broken by cloud, See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out.See the Bedouin fires at night, See the oil fields at first light. And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth, After the flood all the colors came out

It was a beautiful day, Don't let it get away, Beautiful day. Touch me, Take me to that other place. Reach me, I know I'm not a hopeless case. What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow. What you don't have you don't need it now, Don't need it now. Was a beautiful day

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