Saturday, April 6, 2013

Identificación de consecuencias negativas de incluir la enseñanza y/o aprendizaje de software privativo en el aula universitaria. Estudio piloto/ Identification of negative consequences of including the teaching/learning of privative software at University classroom. Pilot Study

Identificación de consecuencias negativas de incluir la enseñanza y/o aprendizaje de software privativo en el aula universitaria. Estudio piloto. (full text, in Spanish)
RAZÓN Y PALABRA. Primera Revista Electrónica en América Latina Especializada en Comunicación
Tecnologías digitales, pantallas y lenguaje audiovisual


To understand the changes occurred in our society since the introduction of the Internet and the development of different tools and resources is useful to go to the concepts of cyberspace and cyberculture, metaphors that refer to many types of communication and content available through the internet merging with a variety of tools, but also to its users, producers and the values that are built online. If Cyberspace refers to the Internet backbone, embracing new media, from infrastructure to social use, Cyberculture comprises all practices, attitudes, ways of thinking and values that grow along with Cyberspace (Lévy, 2001) These metaphors open research roads that result, for example, the possibility of identifying how the concept of gender is reconstructed through the communicative possibilities of the Internet "(Gómez-Diago, 2012) or understanding the significance of selecting the technologies that we use. Following this last idea, in this article, we identify some of the consequences that require education and / or training of proprietary software in the classroom. We articulated the work in two parts, introduced by a section intended to underlie the
role of the university education to bolster one type of technology over others and to forge an productive interplay between education and society which provokes a social betterment. This introduction is underpinned by studies conducted by international organizations which give us insights about the lack of applications of new technologies of information and communication in Spain. Then, by analyzing papers and studies carried by public institutions which embrace the use of non-proprietary software in our country, we identify the lack of concern about their use in the classroom. Finally, we shared the outcomes obtained from the experience of instructing vector graphic design proprietary software to students of third year of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Vigo during the academic year 2011-2012 . We detect some of the noticeable constraints that the use of this software impose to the knowledge gained by the students

Key words Software evaluation, educational technology, influence of technology, curriculum design, open source technology, public administration education, pilot studies, communication research, classroom research.


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