Monday, December 15, 2008

Criterios para evaluar sitios educativos en Second Life

Propongo estos cinco criterios para evaluar sitios educativos en Second Life. Como trabajo de Curso, Jennifer Staninger y yo tenemos que hacer una Guía de Viaje de sitios educativos en Second Life. Dado que en numerosas ocasiones, estos están realmente vacíos y carecen de información relevante, aplicaremos estos criterios para construir una guía de viaje crítica.


1. A F F L U E N C Y O F P E O P L E
1.1. Are there people in the place?
1.2. How many?

2. I N T E R A C T I O N
2.1. Colud you ask to somebody about the education activities there?
2.2. Have they gave you information about?

3. I N F O R M A T I O N
3.1. Is there information about anything in the place?
3.2. What is the informatin about?

4. O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N D T Y P E O F L E C T U R E S

4.1. Is there a timetable of the lectures than organice in second life?
4.2. What are about?

5. P O S I B I L T I E S TO G E T I N V O L V E D

5.1. Give the place the posibility of joing in a group?
5.2. Have the sl place a link to the webpage of the institution?

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